Black and white photo of woman looking through a telescope

Mapping Your World

On Tuesday 26th February, Open Data Manchester decamped from our usual home at The Federation and trotted down to Tech Incubator in the Manchester Science Park on Oxford Road, where we hosted ‘Mapping Your World — a beginner’s guide to OpenStreetMap’. Taking inspiration from our recent engagement with the OpenStreetMap community through the Mapping Mobility Stockport project,

Things Manchester — January 2019 Meet Up

This was our first meeting at a new venue, the Innovation Centre of Manchester Science Park. There was around 20 attendees, mostly new faces to LoRaWAN and our Things Manchester group. We opened with a short presentation giving a round-up of what the group was doing, and why we started Things Manchester; *The background of

Neon sign saying 'Open Data Night'

Open:Data:Night January 2019— a summary

On Tuesday 29th January, we hosted our first public meetup of 2019 — ‘Open:Data:Night’, an evening of presentation and project sharing from Manchester’s open data community. Tom Passmore from Dsposal kicked off proceedings talking about the work they’ve been doing with Open Data Manchester about the creation of an open data standard for the commercial waste management

Map of Stockport town centre from Open Street Map

Mapping Mobility in Stockport

We’re happy to announce that we’ve partnered with Stockport Council on a project called ‘Mapping Mobility Stockport’, funded through the ODI Geospatial Fund. Working with Age UK and Disability Stockport, the project will crowdsource data about accessibility issues in Stockport, drawing on the lived experiences of people with mobility impairments to supplement data already available

A plastic toy albatross on an old map of Aberdeen

Joy Diversion Aberdeen at Open Data Camp 6

During the first weekend of November, the Open Data Manchester team travelled to Aberdeen for Open Data Camp 6, an ‘unconference’ for all things open data. Hosted on the University of Aberdeen’s historic Kings College campus, it was suggested that we host a special ‘Joy Diversion Light’. If you’re unfamiliar with an ‘unconference’, the general

A closed and dilapidated sea-front cafe with 'Jug of Tea' written on it

So you think you know your country — revealing the hidden patterns in local democracy.

Post written by Pamilla Kang. Data is an undeniable part of modern society. Perhaps surprisingly, an incredible amount of data is collected about our daily lives and the communities in which we live. This data has the potential to shape policy-making, funding and target services, but can be inaccessible and difficult to understand. Open Data

Generosity and Conviviality in the Age of Algorithmic Oppression

This abridged post was written by Marc Hudson and originally appeared at This was a superb event. A diverse audience of somewhere between 80 and 90 attended a truly excellent event on ‘algorithms of oppression’ yesterday in Manchester. The event, hosted by Open Data Manchester with the support of The Federation and Manchester School

Deprivation vs Representation — building a dataset

There is a wealth of statistical data that is created about the communities in which we live, yet these statistics, how they are created and what they reveal are often inaccessible difficult to understand or abstract. Open Data Manchester seeks to remove some of barriers and open these datasets up to a wider audience. The