Started in 2021, The Data Cooperative Working Group is an informal, international forum for practitioners, researchers and those interested in the development of data cooperatives as a democratic and accountable
Today, April 16th, we learned that the Greater Manchester Combined Authority has been accepted as an Open Government Partnership (OGP) Local jurisdiction. The GMCA is among a cohort of 54
Over the last 18 months Open Data Manchester has been conducting user needs research as part of the development of the Digital Solutions Hub for the Natural Environment Research Council.
Are you passionate about the role of standardised, sharable packaging data in unlocking the circular economy? Then Open 3P needs you… Our vision is for a more circular economy in
Back in September 2021 we launched the Declaration for Responsible and Intelligent Data Practice – a shared vision for data in Greater Manchester. It was co-designed over a period of
The brand-new Open 3P Data Standard is a common language for all commonly used packaging materials – created to help improve the industry’s understanding of packaging being produced – so
Over the last few years as people have become more aware of the power of data and how it can impact people’s lives both positively and negatively, there has been
Thirteen years seems like a long time to create a strategy for our organisation, but we think that Open Data Manchester isn’t a normal organisation. It started out as an
After over a year of development we are delighted to launch the Open 3P data standard for the plastic packaging industry. Created in collaboration with our project partners Dsposal, OPRL,
Over the past few years we have been interested in how cooperative organisations can help groups of people and organisations better manage their data so that it can return value